By: Yasmin Hammami Introduction: In recognition of Breastfeeding Awareness Month, it is important to highlight the benefits and options available for infant nutrition. Breastfeeding is often considered the gold standard for nourishing ...
Bismilah ar-rahman ar-rahim. I begin today in the name of our Lord - most gracious, most merciful. We are rooted in the whole of Bismillah, which contains the two words ...
Artwork by Aya Mobaydeen (@aya_mobaydeen) of a Palestinian elder in traditional thobe surrounded by Palestinian landmarks and floral motifsHere at HEART, we are overwhelmed with grief and rage as we bear witness ...
Event details and registration:Join us for a conversation about HEART's recent publication, The Sex Talk: A Muslim's Guide to Healthy Sex and Relationships.When: Wednesday, September 14 at 7:30pm EDT.Where: Charis ...
In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most BeneficentWe are holding space for one another during this difficult time. The recent Supreme Court 6-3 decision to overturn Roe ...
by Kiran WaqarAs we begin 2022, we reflect on the accomplishments, losses, and lessons of 2021. And as 2022 begins to look a little more like 2020-2, we remember our ...
by Aisha Rahman, JDYesterday, I had a trial in a divorce case that was filed against my client in 2018. My client, who had endured every form of abuse imaginable, ...
The recent death of a revered scholar that has also harmed people has brought up many emotions. Earlier this week, we posted about how those who do good can also ...
I sat on the bathroom counter, with lipstick smeared on my mouth and blush on my cheeks, perplexed by the boy in the mirror staring back at me. My hands ...
by Seher Siddiqee, HEART ChaplainThe question that I have been pondering for this reflection is how do I connect my body to the ritual expressions of my practice? This came ...
by Navila Rashid"When it is difficult to grasp how to "power through" or to be identified as resilient, who are you calling to for strength, to put one foot in ...
by Aisha IsmailWhat is the power in thinking about resiliency from the perspective of resting and slowing down?I remember walking out of my OBGYN’s office the day that I was ...
by Kiran WaqarHow has resilience shown up for you as a positive force? How has the concept of resilience been used to further marginalize our communities?If I’m going to be ...
I want to express my gratitude to my sisters at this rally, and all of your leadership in providing healing and community after this terrible tragedy. My name is Nadiah ...
analysis by HEART + Justice for Muslims Collective Every couple of months, our communities erupt with new allegations of gender-based violence (GBV). Many times, these allegations involve respected and ...
If someone comes forward with allegations of gender-based violence (GBV), one of the first debates that erupts is whether or not the survivor is lying. However, we know that research ...