Congratulations to all of us for surviving another round of election mobilization and engagement. To the organizers, GOTV warriors, campaign strategists and poll workers, we hope you are able to celebrate your hard work and take a moment to breathe. There may still be work to do to hold the line until inauguration, and so to sustain our role in the movement, we rest and reflect so we can be refueled to fight some more.
To those who have survived sexual violence, misogyny, and Gendered Islamophobia: we are especially sending you love as you navigate the complexity of what it means for those who have caused harm to achieve victory and power. Our vote in this election may not have been an endorsement of candidates, but rather the selection of our next focus for accountability and organizing.
We are on Day 2 of counting the ballots for this election and our communities are experiencing ALL THE FEELS. Let’s break down as to what is happening:
- We do not know the final election results. Votes are still being counted and it may take another day to have a clearer picture of who won certain races.
- What you can do: Breathe. Remember that we cannot control time but we can control how we care for ourselves.
- We know that Biden is leading in the electoral vote race.
- What you can do: Sit back and wait for the ballots to be tallied. Consider unplugging, reading a book, or making an old fashioned phone call to a friend – don’t worry, you will know when it is finalized who the winner is.
- We know that Trump has openly declared he will be filing a case with the Supreme Court to reject votes being counted after midnight of election day. We must hold the line and demand all votes be counted and fight any attempt to challenge the basics of democracy.
- What you can do: Call your state’s secretary of state and advocate for every single vote to be counted.
- We know that several progressive candidates won their local races. Candidates who are Muslim, Black, non-binary, queer, trans and people of color – – and we are so excited to see what policy changes they push forward.
- What you can do: Check out who won in your state and congratulate those you were rooting for. Send a message of gratitude to those who lost. And follow up with whoever won about the policy priorities you are hoping they will support.
We shared 10 ballot measures in our voter guide and tracked where they landed:
- Colorado Proposition 115. Ban Late-Term Abortions – Did not Pass YAY
- Kentucky Marsy’s Law Crime Victims Rights Amendment – Did Pass NAY
- Louisiana No Right to Abortion in Constitution Amendment – Did Pass NAY
- Michigan Search Warrant for Electronic Data Amendment – Did Pass YAY
- Washington Sex Education in Public Schools Measure – Did Pass YAY
- Washington Authorize Fund Investment of Family Medical Leave and Long-Term Care Accounts Amendment – Did Not Pass NAY
- prop 16 California – Did Not Pass NAY
- Utah Gender-Neutral Constitutional Language Amendment – Did Pass YAY
- Nebraska Remove Slavery as Punishment for Crime from Constitution Amendment – Did Pass YAY
- Oregon Drug Addiction Treatment Initiative – Did Pass YAY
- Nevada Question 2, Marriage Regardless of Gender Amendment (2020) – Did Pass YAY
The Quran is the Divine word of God and was revealed to a people who were actively being oppressed and experiencing violence, racism, classism, and sexism. The Quran provided clear instructions on how to navigate injustice, especially from people in positions of power. As Muslims living under one of the most harmful White supremacist governments, we can draw inspiration from our faith to to demand change, hold those who who do harm accountable, and dismantle the systems that continue to oppress.
Voting is one part of a much larger strategy to work towards liberation for all. We are not disillusioned to think we will win with just a change in administration or a few ballot measures passing; these are simply pathways to the larger systemic battles we are fighting. And so, today, we celebrate. And we remember our larger vision for liberation. Tomorrow, we organize and fight again.
Virtual Community Event:

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