| Magazines |
- The Myth of Bodily Autonomy | Acacia Magazine |
- Why are too many Still Making Excuses for Faith Leaders Engaging in Sexual Abuse? | Interfaith America Magazine |
- #BoldMoves: Sameera Qureshi on Centering Muslim Women in the Movement to End Violence | Ms. Magazine |
- An Interview with Nadiah Mohajir | Reflection Magazine – Summer 22′ |
- 100 Women We Love, featuring Navila Rashid | GO Magazine |
| Podcasts |
- Sexual Harm in Religious Spaces | Beyond Fear: The Sex Crimes Podcast |
- Public Affairs: Sisters Time/Women Speak with Dazon Dixon Diallo | WRFG |
- Faith Driven Activism | Reproaction Podcast |
- Prevention Work in India and with South Asian Communities in the US | Prevent Connect Podcast |
- The Sex Ed Podcast
- The Importance of Healthy Relationships | GW Health – Healthy You Podcast |
- Sex Ed and Feminism with Sahar Pirzada | Tom Earl Podcast |
| Radio |
- Challenges Facing Muslim Women on Campus | Radio Islam |
- Interview with Sabreen on Palestine is an RJ issue | SiriusXM, Mornings w Zerlina |
| Videos |
- Executive Director Nadiah Mohajir Receives 2018 Chicago Foundation for Women Impact Award | YouTube |
- Chicago Foundation for Women Annual Luncheon Grantee Highlights | YouTube |
- Lizzo uplifts Sahar Pirzada and HEART at the People’s Choice Awards | YouTube |
- Brief but Spectacular | PBS |
| Press Release |
| News Articles |
- The Muslims on the Frontlines of America’s Abortion Clampdown | hyphen. |
- Muslim Advocates Ramp up the Fight for Reproductive Justice | Truthout |
- Religious Views on Abortion More Diverse than they Appear in U.S. Political Debate | News in the States |
- Meet the Sex Educators Challenging what we Think and Know about Islam and Sex. | Religion News Service |
- Why Faith-based Groups are Prone to Abuse and How they can Get Ahead of it, | Religion News Service |
- États-Unis: les musulmans américains choqués par la fin du droit fédéral à l’IVG | RFI |
- ‘It’s time for us to be bold’: Why six religious leaders are fighting to expand abortion access | USA Today |
- Muslim-American opinions on abortion are complex. What does Islam actually say? | NPR |
- Amid abortion bans, Muslim Americans turn back to their faith’s ruling on abortion | NPR |
- SAPAC invites HEART to encourage sexual health conversations in the Muslim community | The Michigan Daily |
- Domestic violence in US increased during pandemic lockdown for all genders, research shows | ABC |
- The Debate Over Muslim College Students Getting Secret Marriages | The New Yorker |
- A Closer Look: Islamophobia & Abortion | OZY |
- Pakistani Muslim photographer killed in murder-suicide amplifies dialogue about divorce and stigma in the South Asian community | Chicago Tribune |
- Roe flip is not a victory lap for religion | CT Insider |
- ‘Silence will only hurt us’: After Roe, American Muslims know what comes next | The New Arab |
- While the Christian Right Rejoices over the end of Roe, Other Faith Communities Worry | WBEZ Radio |
- From joy to anger, faith leaders react to Roe’s reversal | Associated Press |
- On Abortion, Muslim Americans say Islamic History is on the ‘Side of Mercy | Religion News Service |
- The Impact of a Post-Roe World on AAPI Women | Ethnic Media Services |
- Muslim-led Reproductive Justice Nonprofit Makes Sense of the US Abortion Debate, | American Muslim Today |
- Banning Abortion is another way to Criminalize Muslims’ Bodies | NowThisHer |
- My Right to Exercise Bodily Autonomy | NowThisHer |
- After Leak, Religious Rift over Legal Abortion on Display | Associated Press |
- People Frustrated at Possible Abortion Rights Rollbacks are Finding Hope on Instagram | BuzzFeed News |
- Abortion is a Muslim Issue – and it’s on Us to Fight for Access | ReWire News |
- Religious Groups Take up the Fight to Preserve Abortion Rights | Independent |
- It’s Time to put Down the Pussy Hats and Pick Up the Pitchforks | Mic.com |
- Domestic Violence in the Bangladeshi Community: The Murder of Armina Hayat | Bengalis of New York |
- Why Muslims must Oppose the Abortion Ban | Muslim Girl |
- US Muslim Advocates Weigh in on Abortion Rights Battle | Al Jazeera |
- Muslims have a Right to Contraception. Why Can Evangelical Bosses Take that Away? | Rewire News Group |
- Religious Freedom: A Two-Way Street | The State of Belief |
- How Dr. Ingrid Mattson is Confronting Spiritual Abuse through Leadership Education | The Haute Take |
- ‘A Long time coming’: These Muslims are bringing sex abuse by sheikhs out of the shadows | Religion News Service |
- Chicago Police Join Candlelight Vigil for Victims of Mercy Hospital Shooting | Fox 32 Chicago |
- Muslim Sex Educators Forge their own #MeToo Movement | NPR |
- Caregivers offer Safe Space to Muslim Sex Abuse Victims | The Crime Report |
- Even before #MeToo, Muslim worked to demystify sex and battle abuse | LAist |
- Muslim Women Start Organization to Provide Sex Education | Teen Vogue |
- Faith and Sex are not Mutually Exclusive
- Conservative Muslims and Islamophobes have one thing in Common: Hating on Mona Haydar | Marie Claire |
- Local Public Health Effort Aims to De-Stigmatize Sexual Health | The Arab American News |
- NoVo Foundation Launches Fourth Cycle of Move to End Violence | Move to end Violence |
- Breaking Taboos on Sexual Health: An Interview with Nadiah Mohajir
- Immigrant Women Fear Deportation Under Trump if they Report Abuse, Advocates Say | Chicago Tribune |
- Trump’s ‘Honor Killing’ Tracking System Could Exacerbate Domestic Violence | The Atlantic |
- Muslim-American Women Seek Change from Within | National Catholic Reporter |
- Breaking Taboos: Why a Calgary Therapist is Teaching Muslims to Talk About Sexual Health | Muslim Link |
- Sexual Assault Allegations Against Illinois Imam Stirs Insular South Asian Community | The New York Time |
- Imam Charged with Sex Abuse, Al Jazeera America reports | Al Jazeera America News |
- Sexual Assault Case Discussed at Theological Seminary | Hyde Park Herald |
- South Asian Shocked at Sexual Assault Allegations against Local Imam | Chicago Tribune |
- Sex-Abuse Allegations Against Chicago-Muslim Religious Leader Roils Community | The Washington Post |
- The Culture around Silence | WBEZ Chicago |
- Sex Abuse Scandal involving a Local Imam Shakes Chicago Muslims | WBEZ Chicago |
- Sex Education and the Muslim Community | WBEZ Soundcloud |
- Muslim Women Dispel Stereotypes | The Atlantic |
- 2010 Radio Islam Interview